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                512号 (214124)
          传  真:0510-85625037









          The main parameters of leaf disc and impeller that our company has the ability to manufacture are as follows:
          Specification: diameterФ150mm-Ф1000mm, height 20mm-600mm;
          Shape of molded surface: straight grain and torsion
          Material of impeller: aluminum alloy, stainless steel, titanium alloy and high temperature alloy material.
          Introduction of impeller and leaf disc
          Parts of impeller and leaf disc have been widely used as key components for core dynamics of civil aviation, power station, ships and warships, heavy load haulage motor, internal combustion haulage motor and other high-end fields.
          ○Field of compressor    Compressors have been widely used in many fields such as steel, electric power, petrochemistry and etc. The impeller is the core component of a compressor. The compressor impeller has impact on the performance of the system and energy efficiency ratio and is the crucial component.
          ○Automotive filed       As the turbocharged engine has been applied into automobile, auto industry’s demand for impeller of high performance, high precision and high temperature resistance is increasing year by year. At the same time, as the requirement of automobile fuel saving and environmental protection is consistently improved, the cooling water pump of automobile engine is required to increase efficiency; which forces the emergence of electronic cooling water pump and the water pump impeller is mainly applied into this aspect.

          ○Field of shipping industry
          With the development of the world shipping industry and shipbuilding technology, new requirements of performance and technological level of ship propulsion equipment are raised increasingly. The supercharger, the important part of marine diesel engine as the main engine of the ship, is showing a more and more important position. The main part of marine axial-flow turbocharger is the impeller.

          ○General industry field    The application of impeller in general industry is mainly found in kinds of water pump. The water pump industry in our country is short of core technology, especially the design and manufacture technology of the impeller, which leads to a large gap between the overall technology level of our country and that of abroad. Many pumps of the biggest significance need to be imported from abroad, especially pump in nuclear power plant, fuel delivery pump of petroleum pipe line and etc.


          上一产品: 传动轴 下一产品: 工业汽轮机叶片
          无锡市润和机械有限公司 版权所有
          欢迎来电垂询:0510-85625133   公司信箱:rhjx@runhe.org
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